To be the foundation of faith, family and
community by inspiring people to follow Christ.

In our welcoming spiritual home, we live, teach and share our Orthodox Christian faith.
We serve all people through Christ’s love and teachings.

Welcome to Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church

Palatine, IL

Welcome to Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church

Palatine, IL

Our Mission

Taking to heart the Lord’s often-repeated instruction to “be not afraid,” Orthodoxy, at its core, relentlessly bears witness to Beauty, Love, and Truth. Beauty typically takes the lead for Orthodox Christians. Our churches stand out as spaces that elevate and inspire, and our worship connects ancient, modern, and eternal through prayer, music, and visual beauty. Dostoevsky famously stated: “It is beauty that will save the world.” For Orthodox Christianity, this is absolutely true—not in the sense that beauty replaces God, but in the sense that beauty is grounded in God as Creator and, as such, beauty always has the potential to lead us toward God.

Our Vision

The Church belongs to each of us. It is our second home. It is a place to come together to learn the teachings of Jesus Christ and enjoy Orthodox Christian fellowship. It is a place where we meet others of the same faith and value system. To sustain a place of worship, we are obligated to fulfill certain needs, both functional and financial. As our Church community grows, our needs increase. The Church requires the time, talents, and treasures of all of our members to function successfully.

Morning services begin with Orthros (Matins) at 8:15am followed by the Divine Liturgy at 9:30am

Paraklesis services when scheduled begin at 6:00pm

Morning services begin with Orthros (Matins) at 8:15am followed by the Divine Liturgy at 9:30am

Paraklesis services when scheduled begin at 6:00pm

New Visitor?

All are welcome to become a member of our parish family. Please fill out a visitor information card and be active in the liturgical life of our Christian community. We look forward to getting to know you!

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Our Ministries

Community is built when each one of us offers one’s gifts and talents for the help of the others. Join the community of St. Nectarios Church by offering your time, talents, and treasures.

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Returning Visitor?

We delight in your continued commitment of your life to Christ during our morning worship service. As a church, we are committed to the person of Jesus Christ, and we base our teaching upon the revealed word of God.

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Youth & Young Adults






About Us

Learn More About Our Parish

An  “Ecclesia” or church in Greek, is a group of faithful who are united in their beliefs and principles. Christ founded His Church to perpetuate His mission of salvation, a mission whose purpose was to demonstrate the path to inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.