How to join
Stewardship Information
Our stewardship philosophy is about growing our Parish and living our vision to proclaim the Orthodox faith and keep the Church—and our Savior Jesus Christ—at the center of family life. There are many opportunities to contribute to the work of St. Nectarios Church by giving of your time, your talents and your treasures. Our operations and ministries provide opportunities for you to donate your time and your talents, and we encourage you to become as involved as possible in the work of the Church—you will find it deeply rewarding!
Click on the sections below to learn more…
Why Stewardship is important
Stewardship supports the Orthodox Christian practice of consistent, cheerful and purposeful giving of time, talent and treasure in support of our Church and its ministries to help further the word and teachings of Jesus Christ. On a personal level, it supports and showcases a life being lived in Christ. Stewardship creates and fosters a spirit of generosity and giving for the Glory of God. When we are generous and give freely of our time, talent, and treasure we proclaim, preserve, and practice our Orthodox Christian faith and make a difference in our parish and community.
What it means to be a Steward
Stewardship is a personal responsibility and prayerful commitment that each and every Christian makes in order to support the Church. Stewardship helps us understand that God is the true owner of our possessions, and each of us is accountable to God for the acceptable care and use of those possessions. According to the Bible, a steward is one who responsibly manages the gifts entrusted to them for the perpetuation of the Lord’s work. A steward honors and glorifies God.
How Stewardship Helps The Church
Money is a necessary tool for ministry. Every act of giving, no matter the size, makes a difference. Generosity is contagious. The Church’s mission of salvation and evangelism depends directly on our generosity. Stewardship is vital to our Church and, among many things, helps to:
Provide religious services, sacraments, and couseling Provides visitations to the hospitalized Minister to the community outside of our Church walls Offer help and support to those in need |
Support those who serve us Support our Metropolis Keep our church in good condition Grow our spiritual, youth and fellowship ministries |
Donation Options
There are many ways to make your financial contribution to Stewardship at St. Nectarios:
Payable to: Saint Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church
133 S. Roselle Road
Palatine, IL 60067
Please provide your name, credit card (American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover), credit card number, and expiration date by either calling the Church office and filling out a Stewardship Card by hand or On-line. You can set up a recurring payment option as well. *Our church will Auto-renew your monthly stewardship unless told otherwise.
Please Click Here for instructions and more details
Stock donations may provide certain tax benefits (please check with your accounting professional for tax advice).
Eligible securities for donation require the following information supplied to your broker or brokerage firm:
DTC #0235
Credit A/C #7B802179
Greek Orthodox Church of St. Nectarios
Please notify the Church office when you donate securities and include the name of the securities and quantity so we can confirm receipt with the Church’s banker.
2022 Stewardship Information
Rev. Fr. Chris Michalopoulos
Speaks on Stewardship for 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is the personal and financial contribution people make to support the operation of our Church. Financial contributions help us sustain our church.
What it Stewardship used for?
Stewardship funds pay for the expenses of our Church, including essential services such as utilities, insurance, maintenance, snow removal and items such as supplies and postage.
Stewardship funds pay for the annual mandatory assessment by the Archdiocese, which can be over 10% of the annual budget. Stewardship funds also contribute to the payment of salaries for the clergy and the church staff. Funds can also be used for outreach, fixing and maintaining our property, and to fund adult and youth ministries.
How much should I pledge?
Stewardship is based on encouraging each steward/family to give according to their means. There is no minimum, and no required amount. Some may still prefer to receive some guidance on the amount to give. If you need guidance, consider a monthly offering of $100 per month. If God has blessed you with the ability to give more, it would help our church increase our offerings and outreach. The Bible teaches us to tithe—give a percentage of our income—to the church. If you cannot give 10% as the Bible teaches, you may give at lesser percentage of income. We are all called to give what we can, and we will receive the blessings of our gifts to the church.
Should I give monthly or annually?
There is no requirement on how often to give your financial contributions. As many of our bills are monthly, we would welcome your stewardship by monthly payments.
How can I pay my financial stewardship?
Stewardship can be paid many ways: cash, check, credit card, online by bank deduction or credit card, and stock donation. Monthly deductions from your bank account or monthly credit card payments are easy, help distribute your stewardship throughout the year, and help the church receive monthly cash to meet our expenses.
Are stewardship contributions tax deductible?
Although we cannot provide tax advice and suggest you consult with your tax advisor, St. Nectarios is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and all donations should be tax deductible. St. Nectarios provides receipts for stewardship donations.
What are typical annual operating expenses for the church?
The budgeted expenses for 2019 were approximately $1,000,000. Like other nonprofit institutions, our Church operates on a breakeven basis, which means that 100% of revenues are used to pay 100% of the expenses. If we have a surplus of money, the church can increase its outreach and charitable giving, save for future capital expenditures, or invest in additional needs for the parish.
How much of our operating expenses come from stewardship?
Approximately 60% of our operating expenses come from Stewardship.
Where do the remaining funds come from?
The remaining funds come from fundraisers, such as Greek Fest, the Social, and other fundraising activities. We also rely on donations to help pay our operating expenses.
How do I become a steward of the parish?
Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at baptism (Chrismation for some) and continues throughout our life. We are united with Christ through the sacraments, or mysteries, of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. A voting member is over 18 years of age and turns in a signed stewardship commitment card, committing a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church.
Why must I commit to a specific amount?
Please keep in mind that your stewardship of money is kept in the strictest of confidence.
However, we do compile the amounts anticipated to better plan our budget.
Is there a minimum amount to be a steward at St. Nectarios?
There is no minimum amount of stewardship required to be a steward at St. Nectarios.
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50th Anniversary
St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church is celebrating 50 years. Join us at our gala and learn more about how you can be part of this exciting year in our history.
Parish Council
Are you looking for a more fulfilling sense of accomplishment by adding your special skills to the improvement of our Church? Do you consider yourself a leader and want to be involved in helping to set the direction of an organization? If...
Meet Our Staff
The St. Nectarios Office Staff can be reached Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (847) 358-5170 * If after hours or in a Pastoral Emergency, please dial (312) 352-0702 Meet Our Staff Administrative Staff Penelope Nuehaus, Director of Church and Ministry...